What does the word «house» mean for you? Is it about comfort, about your favorite old armchair, comfortably lit by a floor lamp, about a family gathered at a table under a lamp with a vintage round lampshade, is it about the warm soft nightlights, about the latest fashion trend living in the walls of the mansion - a lamp, made in loft style? Pictures can vary, but the main component of comfort and coziness - the lighting - will always be present, creating a truly homie atmosphere.
Our home is an intangible world of beautiful and amazing objects that we create ourselves. And it is in the process of developing the interior that we add to it things that reflect our essence, addictions and perception of the world. Every detail in the house has its value, because it is a mirror of our individuality and uniqueness. That's why we, SkarLight company, are firmly convinced that the lamp of your dreams can and should be created independently, breathing in it unique colors and reflecting the harmony of your worldview.
Undoubtedly, such a fruit of your own imagination will be unique, it will be perfectly combined with the spirit of the rooms of your house, gracefully improving your design idea. Moreover, our company is ready to dispel one of the most common misconceptions. In fact, a lamp created by own hands is not only uncommon, but simple, as well! Before you, as an innovative designer opens amazing horizons, which do not limit the scope. The embodiment of the dream lamp into reality is worth starting with the selection of the component parts on which our company specializes. It is also worth noting that independent choice is very beneficial, since you can buy parts directly from the manufacturer, which will significantly reduce your costs, and hence the final cost of the finished product. You can think out your own project in perfection, having found for it the most suitable elements of various forms, colors, stylizations.
Surprisingly, but the fact is: the idea of creating a «hand-made» lighting device is one of the most popular in the lighting industry. Thus, creating lamps corresponding to one's own ideas about «correct illumination of the present», you can find your calling in this world of art of light. Undoubtedly, the uniqueness and originality is always at its peak, so the idea has a wide enough scope for creating your own business. Moreover, in Ukraine this specialization is narrowly developed, that is, the domestic market is not filled with similar start-ups, which opens great opportunities for the development of such a business.
We, SkarLight company, are ready, in turn, to offer you a wide range of accessories for fixtures, which is relevant on today's Ukrainian and world markets. Since the activity of our company is aimed at enabling the buyer to create and sell his product directly to the end user, we try to keep up with the times confidently, basing our activity on innovative principles of market development and global European as well as world trends. We constantly keep abreast of the current market trends and customer needs, updating the catalogue of our products with new advanced design and technical solutions, so we are firmly convinced that the one who offers individual solutions wins.
This is the main reason that we offer you a profitable project for the creation and implementation of a unique lamp. This idea reveals your unlimited talents and capabilities as an innovator, it introduces you to the wonderful world of lighting art, provides the basis for developing your own business, which is profitable from the point of view of working in the plane «direct supplier-producer», offering the opportunity to choose the best components for your lighting fixture. Thus, this business can be considered a profitable project for a startup, relevant to the Ukrainian market, corresponding to world trends.
Keep in mind: you have a great future - we have a good plan!
Always yours,
SkarLight company