Modern designers and architects, who are creating an aesthetic exterior concept for buildings, use a wide range of tools in order to highlight the advantages of the premises and, if possible, leave the disadvantages in the shadow. In this case, one of the most popular options is the organization of architectural and artistic lighting.
This type of illumination is not standard - it aims to create unique appearance of the structure at night, which will attract the attention of observers. Professional architectural lighting can transform a building, making it a true work of art.
What are the types of architectural and artistic lighting?
As a rule, when organizing and developing the concept of architectural facade lighting, specialists are guided by one of the following:
• Creation of specific night illumination of the facade (without references to a specific building under natural lighting);
• Building a light scenario in such a way that it is as close to the appearance of a building during daytime hours as possible (mainly used for structures that have historical value).
Based on the main idea of the designer, artistic lighting is divided into flood, accent and hidden ones.
The main objective of the concept in the first version is the complete lighting of the entire building - powerful spotlights are used, which are installed on the ground or nearby premises. Accent (local) lighting involves the selection of specific elements and spotlights, that are mounted on the facade of the building. Fixtures for hidden lighting are installed so that the observer could not notice them. The latter type of illumination is used by specialists to create breathtaking view in the dark time of day.
One, who chooses a specific modification of the architectural and facade lighting, should take into account the following:
• the place of the object in the general composition of the city;
• unique properties - dimensions, color, height and architectural genre;
• the distance of the building from its possible points of view.
Which lighting devices from the SkarLight product range are suitable for organizing architectural and artistic lighting?
LED lamps are ones of the most popular and "convenient" to create architectural lighting. Moreover, they have a large number of advantages, such as:
• profitability - relative small electricity consumption;
• resistance of LEDs to mechanical stress and higher resource - withstand an average of 100,000 hours of work;
• lack of blinding and flickering effect while using;
• high level of safety - there is no threat and risk of electric shock;
• operation is possible in a wide range of air temperatures - from -60 to +40°С.
SkarLight Company stands for bright and extraordinary solutions in the world of lighting. Our team is ready to help you on all issues and lend a hand on the choosing the necessary lighting devices for unique scenarios of architectural and facade lighting.