Lightness, graphic, laconic forms, harmonious unity of interior items, simplicity and restraint in its design - here it is a space for life and freedom of thoughts - the minimalism. This style, originated in Europe in the second half of the 20th century, was originally the answer of design art to the development of the modernist trend. Today minimalism is not only a bright style of modern design, characterized by the negation of classics in creative techniques and using industrial and natural materials to create elements of simple geometric shapes; it is literally a way of self-expression, a model of life in the spirit of an interior solution.
It would be a mistake to identify this style with the asceticism - the minimalism, for all other things, is not alien to comfort, coziness and peculiar beauty. Nevertheless, this genre requires an impeccable combination of style and sense of proportion and does not forgive hasty. The strict lines, small volumes, discreet shades and shape geometry make the minimalism practical and comfortable. At the heart of the modern minimalist trend is the symbiosis of styles: constructivism breathes in it with its pronounced technical design in everyday objects; and the style of functionalism with a preference for useful and utilitarian interior items, as well as the Japanese style of laconic and not burdened with anything extra spaces.
It is interesting that, it would seem, such an inanimate and somewhat "brutal" genre of the interior is called "cult of cream tones". In the interiors of the minimalist style there are mainly light pastel colors, monochrome prevails, the absence of any prints and bright screaming colors. Ideally all this is complemented by the great nature of brick, wood, metal and glass.
The interior solution in the spirit of minimalism will suit those, who are tired of pretentiousness and yearn for elegant simplicity, pedants, who appreciate order and cleanliness, owners of free-planning dwellings and inhabitants of megacities, tired of noise and city bustle will not remain indifferent.
It's no secret that it is the issue of lighting that is leading in planning an interior solution. The name of the style implies that the fixtures in the premises of the spirit of minimalism should be minimally accentuated by themselves. They can be compared to the "gray cardinal", which builds the composition remaining in the shadows. The scattered soft light is the distinguishing feature of the maximalist style. The main rules for building an ideal light solution are the following: the fixtures must be of the correct geometric form in the spirit of constructivism, the effect of freedom and space will create a backlight along the walls, massive light panels will fill the room with diffuse light, the presence of large windows for daytime access light will not be unnoticed. Also to designers, who are our direct customers, do not forget that over time, interiors in the style of minimalism, chandeliers and wall and ceiling lighting fixtures for general and local lighting are becoming widespread. They are characterized by simple geometric shapes: for instance, plafonds in the form of sphere, circle, square, hemisphere, all kinds of cylinders, cones, etc. Elements of constructivism can also dominate the luminaires of this style, when everything that is usually hidden is exposed to public view - wires, lamps, fastenings, etc. You can find all this and much more in our product line. Even as a lifhak, we, the SkarLight company, suggest conditionally to break down the fixtures into groups in accordance with the zoning of the room. Thus, one room requires an average of about four groups of fixtures. It is necessary that the entire room is evenly filled with light, when all groups of lamps are lit. Do not forget: the contrasts between light and shadow in interiors in the style of minimalists are unacceptable!
Without a doubt, the minimalism is simplicity, perfected, and not a lack of ideas, brought to monstrosity. That is why this style suits creative self-sufficient natures, tired of excesses in any of its manifestations. Create new - choose the cosiness of the minimalism and make an amazing atmosphere with original lighting solutions! Our product range will help you!