Everyone, who has had to start overhauling and dealing with the situation of his own housing, has faced to the difficult choice. Modernity or classics? Monochrome or a harmonious variety? Built-in and ergonomics - or a house-full cup, where there is a place for the entire line of furniture products? Yes, it is extremely difficult to choose your own style. But do not forget that we have a good plan for your future! That is why in this article we will tell you the secrets of choosing the right interior and no less charming and atmospheric light solution.
As Pliny the elder said: «The house is where your heart is», therefore, the main thing in terms of interior design is to listen to yourself and your senses, thinking it over in a detail. Doing such a way it will become the place where you definitely would like to return, because here your heart lives!
The choice of interior should be approached from two aspects: first, it must be literate, and secondly, of course, creative. So, if your room is small and poorly lit, we, SkarLight company, recommend to equip it with the use of the main features of the Scandinavian style. The palette of white and non-colored flowers, light wood, light graphic ornaments, bright practical decor and an abundance of artificial light to completely transform a small space - this is the ideal option that is able to recreate in an small dark room an incredibly light and, at the same time, triumphant atmosphere. If your apartment is characterized by the presence of large windows and high ceilings, this brightest advantage of modern housing will undoubtedly turn into an idealized space if you choose for it a light neutral color paint for walls, ceiling and molded decorative elements on them (moldings, pilasters, sockets and cornices ). In this case, large windows, we advise, to arrange simply: light functional curtains or thick tulle will suit best. If you are a happy owner of a studio apartment that forms a single space, this interior implies the design in American, Scandinavian, contemporary style, besides, there will also be an organic art-deco, where the floral ornament on the wall or the upholstery in the living room can be duplicated on elements of decor that will find their place in a cozy room.
The question remains quite relevant: «How to choose exactly the stylization, which ideally fits into the framework of the chosen space?». Everything is elementary: you need to listen to yourself. Go around the house, try to abstract and hear the story that tells your home. Then select the items that you can not wait to say «goodbye» to, whether it's an old kitchen table, wallpaper in the hallway or chairs that have been your company for the last few years. In the same way, choose something that is dear to your heart: perhaps, you really like the old huge closet, bed, stool or floor lamp. They will become the style core of the future renovated apartment. Just close your eyes and remember the place where you would like to return. It can be an overseas city, a hospitable house of friends, happy youthful years. A geographic point or a period of time - and related memories - will help you decide what the word "cosiness" means to you. Aromas? Textures? Specific furniture? Do not be shy. Dream! Visualization of a dream house is a parody of advice at the level of banal gloss. Nevertheless, you should allow yourself to fantasize about the theme of your dream home. This will help identify the key points in the repair. Large windows, modern kitchen with a full set of professional equipment, a luxurious four-poster bed, a fireplace - almost everything can be reduced to scale and implemented in real life. And the main, in our opinion, component of the "ideal interior" is the expansion of its own horizons. Do not be afraid to mix styles. If you suddenly found that yours is high-tech and vintage, do not worry, this is not a dilemma, but an opportunity to express yourself and create something completely unique. It is possible that this will form the basis of the stylization of the future! Remember: eclecticism is always great!
Undoubtedly, the role of planning light scenarios can not be exaggerated: we should not forget not only the design of chandeliers, but also the functionality of lighting in general. The harmony of light, color, shape and space is the formula of an impeccable architectural structure and interior. Unusual artistic lighting is a real art that requires a special vision, inspiration and, not least, knowledge.
Rule number 1: remember: the light is responsible for the atmosphere - turn on «weather in the house»! Well-planned lighting will not only create a special atmosphere of coziness and comfort, but also visually increase the room and give it a special note of excellence.
It is important not to forget that the correct light solution is the sum of 3 terms: the application of a common (uniform scattered light - chandeliers), directed (beam of light - floor lamps, sconces, table lamps) and decorative lighting (LED strips). It is these terms that must be guided in the process of creating a lighting scenario. The light solution is developed in a complex way, proceeding from the general interior concept, as an integral part of the composition. If we talk about style preferences, then the primacy belongs to the models solved in the spirit of industrialism, modernity and high-tech, but eclectic variations take the leading position.
So, let's look at more specific examples. Filament lamps with a peculiar "retro thread", despite the high price, consumption of a large volume of energy and heating (which does not tolerate contact with paper lampshades), can be used with dimmers, which will contribute to the creation of comfort in the house. Fluorescent lamps are more practical in terms of energy consumption than incandescent lamps, but some models are very unattractive and have large dimensions, which is not favorable for decorated lighting. The halogen lamps have a fairly high heat dissipation value, their light output is several times larger than that of incandescent lamps, but they make it possible to create a concentrated beam of light, which is an important component of a literate lighting scenario. It is the use of an LED strip with a diffuser that will contribute to a softer glow and prevent the appearance of such surprises as a reflected tape on a glossy ceiling or a tile of a kitchen apron.
Color lighting supplemented with special effects is always an interesting move in interior design, allowing to transform the space, emphasize the tonality of interior elements and push the boundaries of reality, creating a different situation from the natural light. Introducing the color-lighting design into the interior mise-en-scene, you can change not only its mood, but also the main meaning. So, light, decorated in neutral tones and calm forms of Scandinavian style, the living room by night with the help of LEDs can turn into a reminiscent of the Brazilian carnival, an incendiary playground for parties, and then - with the help of systems that simulate the starry sky, recall the sleeping Hawaiian Islands.
We believe that the interior will be unique and individual, comfortable and stylish, if you give freedom to your fantasies and prepare yourself to fall in love with your ideas! Interior is an external reflection of the inner world of its owners. Open your creativity, embody the dream in the design of your «corner» and always feel here - at home.