In any market, no difference if it is the international or aimed at a single country, there must be the competition. The healthy one is the guarantee of the correct vector of the work of the sales exchange. Thus, the buyers are given a certain line of proposals, among which they must choose the most optimal option. The first question asked by the buyer of the rational beliefs: "Why should I choose this particular company? Why this particular product?". In this article, we will explain how the businessmen answer these kinds of questions, and why it is profitable for you to work with us, what is the secret of a kind of uniqueness of SkarLight company?
No doubt, in order to stand out among the many similar proposals on the market, one must learn to understand the client, to know his needs and to differ radically
from his competitors. Only the unity of these three elements will lead to the transfer of the client from the potential to the one interested in your proposal. In the sphere of sales there is such a thing as the Unique Trade Proposal (UTP). This is the answer to the most actual question among the potential buyers. Our advice is not to produce standards and stamps, they have already been created, and it is not interesting. The buyer needs a creative, an explosion of the emotions, impressions, a new approach to the standardization, a pleasant aftertaste from the communicating with your company and using your product.
The secret of the success and successful sales is: YOU ORDER
a) a unique price (yes, it must be different from the prices of your competitors, but you should not sell your goods for a pittance. This reduces the credibility and importance of your goods. The golden mean is to reduce the price to the desired minimum, but not to its actual cost).
b) a unique quality (your product should be of the high quality, otherwise you will lose the trust of the customers and your credibility as an entrepreneur.)
c) the uniqueness of the assortment (you should have a wide range of goods, so that the client could choose exactly what he needs.)
d) uniqueness of the market (the product you provide should be modern and keep up with the development of the market.)
e) your brand (the most important component of the success of your product is your name, you are the guarantor of the confidence, therefore, it is the key to the success of your company).
Everyone creates his own formula of the success, rationally balancing among all the criteria. But the way you read the article about our company, we will tell you why our offer is the most profitable and interesting.
SkarLight company has been on the market since 1996 and is a large producer of the lighting components. It is interesting that our specialization in the production of lighting devices is not only the manufacture itself, but also the design of lamps of different types, shapes, spectra, etc. The result of many years of work and creative imagination of our team is a multifaceted assortment line, that is constantly supplemented with the new collections of plafonds, lampshades, wood products, ceramics, plastics. Metal accessories, crystals and fasteners to them, cartridges and bonded-conductor products, concrete and support materials to them - all this will be loved by creative designers and producers of lighting equipment, who are actually our customers. Undoubtedly, we are sure that in the hands of a skilful designer the chandeliers, lamps, sconces and floor lamps will be turned into a powerful tool that can transform into a fairy tale, even the most boring interior. The aim of the work of SkarLight company is to enable the customer to create and sell his own product, we try to keep up with time, basing our activity on the innovative principles of the market development of Europe and the world as well.
The uniqueness of our today's proposal to the potential business partners is: we have developed a cooperation scheme with the ambitious lighting designers, who are looking for radically new ideas for the world of lighting. We, SkarLight company, offer you a unique and a new idea of this or that lighting unit. At the initial stages of developing and implementing the project on the market, we promise our advice and support on issues that may arise in the course of work. This scheme will be interesting for the designers and manufacturers of lighting equipment, as we base our activities on the innovative principles of the market development of Europe and the world as well. SkarLight company is keeping its hands on the pulse of the modern market trends, so our "start-up" will keep up with the standards of the advanced design and technical solutions.
Our creative team is ready to cooperate and develop new, incredibly unique light solutions that will not only hit the Ukrainian market, but also compete with the world market leaders. Keep in mind: you have a great future - we have a good plan!
With the hope for further beneficial cooperation,
SkarLight Company