Have you ever thought about the role of the light solution? How is the right approach from the technological and design point of view important? How to give fresh breath to the interior, make it play absolutely in new colors? What is important to know about the luminaires and their role in creating an interesting interior in the stylization in order to reflect the "dream picture" into reality? How to recreate radically new ideas?
It is necessary to remember that the lamps can be divided into 3 main categories: warm light (usually has a slightly yellowish colour, it is cozy, atmospheric, also this type of light gives a relaxing effect); cold light (the most suitable for indoor public lighting) and daylight (usually it is needed in working areas, that are without natural light). When choosing a particular option, guided by these categories, it is necessary to rely on the stylization given to the interior, and also proceed from the "subtleties" of a particular room.
By its design, the luminaire is always designed for the use of lamps of a certain type and power, which must also be taken into account. The total power of all lighting devices should not be exceeded in order to avoid overloading the wiring. By the type of lamps, the luminaires are divided into lamps with halogen bulbs, with incandescent lamps, with luminescent lamps, and also there are also combined lamps.
The next classification of fixtures is the determination of the location of fixation. Of course, each of the following options will look in the interior elegantly and harmoniously, if you approach the creation of a light solution with taste and imagination. Also, the emphasis can be made on a specific form or it can be completely abandoned, without choosing conventionally the "main source of light." According to the given vector, the luminaires are divided into suspended, wall, built-in, floor and table. So, the pendant lamps spread light throughout the room, so they are the most convenient for rooms with the high ceilings. It is important to remember that they are located at a certain distance from the ceiling, and the distance from the floor to the lowest point of the hanging lamp should be at least 2 meters. The next type is wall lamps, that is, those that serve for local illumination of absolutely any premises for creating comfort, coziness and relaxation, in most cases, fluorescent type lamps and incandescent lamps are used. Also, these kinds of lamps are distinguished by a huge variety of shapes, which implies a wide layer for the embodiment of ideas. Built-in luminaires are optimal for mounting in tension and suspended ceilings, and point and panel luminaires are particularly convenient. Floor lamps are floor lamps, which are ideal for spacious rooms as local lighting, as well as as a decorative decoration item.
We, SkarLight company, have for you several innovative and elegant lighting solutions that will definitely give the interior a new breath and highlight the intricate idea of the designer.
For instance, you can make floor lamps the main source of the light. Such a method of light decision is the unofficial name of "American". How to use this idea? If you have at your disposal a spacious room, and it simultaneously serves as an office, bedroom and living room (sometimes a dining room), zoning is simply necessary. And the easiest way to realize it with the help of light. Ceiling fixtures in this sense give way to outdoor competitors. For the originality and unusual approach, this type of interior will definitely be appreciated!
What do you think about the street lamp in the room? Definitely no! On the wave of dragging the aesthetics of the loft stylization, most designers are in favor of such an idea. For example, barred sconces: they could shine over some porch, but they look great in the interior of the modern kitchen or the living room. The same with mobile luminaires in the interior - those appliances that operate on the mains, and also have a very long power wire and switch. It is weird and extremely shocking!
The knowledge of such simple, but very relevant notes can dramatically change the atmosphere and the appearance of the room. Create new, interesting, and most importantly, technologically correct lighting solutions. Enter the atmosphere in your home and use our advice.
Always yours,
SkarLight company